In the garden in March
In the garden in March
Finally March is here, and with it Spring! Your garden will be starting to wake from it's winter sleep and it's time for you to start getting back into the habit of working in the garden too.
Bedding Plants
Buy young bedding and basket plants for stunning displays of colour
Sowing Seeds
Start sowing seeds indoors and getting all your propagation equipment ready. A diary or calendar is idea to keep track of when to sow, re-pot and plant out your seedlings
Water Butts
Make use of water butts to catch all the spring rains
Dead-head spent flowers on bedding plants and daffodils
Start Mowing
Start to mow your lawn (check out our March lawn care tips for more detailed advice)
Early potatoes
Plant out chitted early potatoes and mound them up to protect from frost
Divide Perennials
Lift and divide overgrown perennials
Give your borders a mulch around plants to improve soil, keep moisture in and avoid weeding later in the season
Plant summer flowering bulbs