Garden Ideas & Advice
Browse our garden ideas and advice by season, month or topic so you can get to grips with all the jobs to do in your garden and get planned ahead for the months to come.
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Winter Pond Care
During winter it's crucial to keep an eye on your garden pond, temperatures will drop and can cause harm if not dealt with properly.
Care for Ponds & Fish in Winter
Winter Lawn Care
It's easy to forget about your lawn over the Winter as it requires a lot less work than the rest of the year but it will still benefit from a little bit of maintenance occasionally.
Look After Your Lawn
Things to do in the garden in February
In February the weather is still very much wintery but the days are beginning to lengthen and Spring is on its way. This is the perfect time to finish off any Winter garden jobs and prepare the garden for Spring.
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Pruning in February
Now is a perfect time for a bit of pruning, here's our checklist on what to prune this month.
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Wild bird care in February
In February male birds are beginning to mark out their territories ready for mating and nesting season. In colder weather wild birds need extra energy just to keep warm and natural food can be in short supply, particularly if there are deep frosts or snow.
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Caring for wildlife in February
Most wildlife will still be hibernating but some hedgehogs and bumblebees will emerge early if the weather is warmer. They will have gone without food over the winter and be very hungry. If you want to attract more wildlife to your garden then now is the perfect time to prepare habitats for them ready for when they emerge from hibernation.
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Planning for the growing season
February is the perfect time to start planning ahead for the growing season, the days are beginning to lengthen, seasonal items are becoming available and some jobs can be started off indoors.
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Lawn care in February & March
February and march are either a continuation of winter lawn maintenance, or if the weather is warm towards the March more work can be begun to give your lawn the best chance to grow in the spring.
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Top tips for putting up a nest box
Having a nest box in your garden can be very rewarding, but where and how you put it up is important for providing a safe and comfortable home for your feathered friends to nest in
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March - Time to get planting!
March is when Spring arrives and with it a burst of colour in your garden. It's also a time to start planting and preparing if you want colour in your garden in later months too though by propagating seeds and planting bulbs.
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In the garden in March
Finally March is here, and with it Spring! Your garden will be starting to wake from it's winter sleep and it's time for you to start getting back into the habit of working in the garden too.
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Flowers to sow in March
With the arrival of Spring we can finally start to sow flower seeds to bring some colour into our gardens.
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Vegetable seeds to sow in March
Now the days are becoming warmer and longer there are a lot of vegetable crops that can be sown to start off your kitchen garden for the year
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Plant your Summer Flowering Bulbs in April
Planting Summer Flowering Bulbs in April Summer bulbs are dormant from early Spring onwards, which is the best time to buy them as they're nice and fresh. Bigger bulbs mean bigger blooms and the firmer, the healthier!
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Helping birds in Spring
In early spring wild birds begin to build their nests and you can see robins, sparrows and other birds flying back and forth with twigs. Birds will begin to arrive back from their winter migrations and later on you'll see birds busy going back and forth to feed their young.
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April jobs in the garden!
In April the garden comes alive with colour, daffodils are in flower, early tulips are starting to appear and flowering trees are starting to blossom. Amongst the sunny days are the inevitable April showers but beware as the odd frost is still possible. Indoor-sown seeds should be well under way by now and it's also time to start sowing outdoors.
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Fruit & Veg to grow in April
April is a great time to start growing your own vegetables and herbs, but beware, frost is still a possibility so most are best sown in greenhouses or indoors.
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Garden jobs for May
With May comes the promise of Summer. The sun's coming out a bit more, but a few more showers until we're into proper sunbathing weather!
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Growing your own - what to plant in May
The chance of frosts in May are low and so now many vegetable seeds can be sown outdoors, and there's nothing more rewarding than growing your own veggies from seed all the way through to the plate!
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Vegetable seeds to sow in May
With the risk of frosts mostly gone, many seeds can be sown directly outdoors from May. Plus there's plenty that can be sown indoors too.
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Top jobs to do in your garden in June
In June we start to get long summer days and warm light evenings. The garden comes into bloom, with lots of colourful & fragrant flowers meaning it's a great time to relax in your garden, but as always there's jobs to do as well.
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Homegrown Treats: What can you harvest in June?
The fruits (and veg!) of your labour are starting to pop up now, which garden-fresh goodies will you be tucking into this month?
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What to prune & trim in Spring
Most trees & shrubs benefit from an annual pruning, it helps keep their shape, gets rid of dead & diseased wood and encourages new growth. Some plants are best pruned while dormant, and others are best pruned after blooming, here's our handy guide to which to do when in Spring;
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Spring lawn care
Once we enter Spring it's all systems go on the lawn care front! Moss can be dealt with, new grass seed laid and feeds can be applied to begin making your lawn nice and healthy.
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Highway's Top Ten Summer Flowering Bulbs!
Not sure what to plant? Take a look at this list to find some great choices, all available at Highway!
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How to grow your own strawberries
Strawberries are a highly rewarding and easy fruit to grow at home. best of all they can be grown in beds, containers or even hanging baskets so you can grow them even if you have very little space. here's our handy guide to all things strawberries.
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How to grow tomatoes
Who doesn't love tomatoes? They're delicious and oh so versatile. What's better than lovely ripe tomatoes? Ones you've grown yourself of course! Not only are they relatively simple to grow but there's also a wide variety to choose from and lots of different things you can do with them in the kitchen.
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How to grow runner beans
Is there anything more quintessentially British than growing runner beans? Probably not! Runner beans are productive, tasty and decorative enough to grow as a climber in your flower border
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Pests, problems & plagues in July
We're really in the swing of planting, harvesting & marvelling at the growth of our subterrainean friends, we don't want anything bad to happen to them, do we! So while you're busy sowing and harvesting, it's definitely giving your plants a quick health checkup:
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Quick list of planting & harvesting jobs for July
July is a key month in the gardening calendar, the sun is out, some of your veg is ready to harvest and it's time to plant some new treats too!
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Top jobs for your allotment or kitchen garden in August
August can be a busy time in your allotment or kitchen garden with lots of crops to harvest, plenty of watering needed, pruning and the chances of pests & diseases. Plus on top of all that you might well be away from the garden on holiday too!
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Deadheading, dead important!
Deadheading properly in your garden can make a huge difference to growing, garden health and, last but not least, appearance!
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Hot weather garden care
As the weather gets hotter we all get a bit cheerier, and here are a few tips to keep your garden happy too!
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Summer lawn mowing & watering
Over the summer lawn care is mostly focused on mowing and watering but its also important to take the time to enjoy your lawn too, with the odd picnic or garden party.
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Jobs to do in your garden before your holiday
Holidays are great, but with all the packing, online check-ins and last-minute trips to the shops to replace lost travel adapters it's easy to forget that your garden will benefit a lot from some extra attention before you leave it for a week or two. Here are our top tips for making sure you return home from your hols to healthy garden;
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Summer greenhouse survival guide
It doesn't matter if it's glass or plastic, greenhouses can get really hot in sunny weather. Here are a few ideas for making sure your plants don't overheat.
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Summer Pond Care
Summer is a great time for your pond and it should be teeming with wildlife, full of lush plant growth and your fish will be active and happy. Here are our tips for making the most of your pond during Summer;
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Feel the buzz of a bee pollinated garden!
Of all of the creatures we share our gardens with, bees are our best buzzing buddies! They make the garden feel alive, and more importantly, pollinate our plants. Playing vital step in the ecosystem for virtually every Summer crop and flowering plant, we should treat our furry friends to a tasty garden.
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Design hacks for your dream urban garden
It can feel frustrating dreaming about your ideal garden before glancing out of the window reminding yourself you just don't have the space. Worry not, below are some great tips to make your smaller garden look spacious, modern, striking & green!
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How To Start Home Composting
Having a compost bin or heap in your garden is an environmentally friendly way to dispose of garden & kitchen waste. Plus it's great for your garden too, creating excellent compost to use as a soil improver, mulch or growing medium!
Home composting advice
Top tips for garden design
Whether your starting a new garden or revamping your existing one these tips will help you push your garden design to the next level
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Quick guide to garden herbs for keen cooks
Fresh herbs are a great way to liven up any dish! Most herbs are really easy to grow yourself and there's a much larger variety available than normally available on supermarket shelves.
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Six Bulbs for Colour in Autumn
Bulbs aren't just for Spring! Here's our six favourite types of bulbs to plant for colourful blooms in Autumn.
Autumn Flowering Bulbs
Caring for your indoor plants
Houseplants, as well as looking pretty, have many health and psychological benefits including reduced stress levels, blood pressure and breathing problems to name just a couple. Follow the advice below to get the most from your indoor plants:
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Top gardening jobs for September
In September the weather begins to turn cooler and the month is a time of change in the garden. The summer is ending and with it comes the last of your vegetable crops and the ripening of Autumn fruits such as apples, pears & raspberries. The garden is starting to prepare for Winter and soon the leaves will be on the turn, but for now there is still enough warmth for Autumn flowering bedding and some preparations ready for Spring.
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Reviving Summer scorched lawns & prepping for Winter
During the summer your lawn may have become scorched, patchy or compacted and once we reach the cooler but still warm temperatures of Autumn it's the perfect opportunity to remedy these. The better condition your lawn is in entering the Winter the better it will survive and ultimately save you work in the Spring.
Revive your lawn
Multiply your Plants by Dividing Perennials
When the active growing season is over, it's a great idea to divide your perennials. This results in strong, healthy plants for next year and also grows their number. You should do this once every couple of years at least, but you can divide up to twice a year, in Spring & dry periods in Autumn. It's not as daunting as it sounds!
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Autumn - Time to plant Spring flowering bulbs
Bulbs are a highly rewarding way to add some colour to your garden and Autumn is the perfect time for planting Spring flowering bulbs. The soil is still warm enough for the bulbs to establish their roots, allowing them to flower in Spring instead of Summer.
Get your bulbs planted
Naturalising - How to add colour to your lawn with bulbs
You've probably seen it in parks, stately home gardens or in grass verges on country roads, lush green grass with swathes of little colourful flowers and pockets of daffodils. You may well have assumed these were naturally occurring and the results of many years of seeding, but actually this is something you can easily reproduce in your own lawn at home
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Create dazzling displays by planting bulbs in layers
Bulbs are a great way to add colour to your garden and highly rewarding to grow. However, the plants from these little balls of energy will pop-up, flower, and then die back again. So, how can you make more impact full and longer lasting displays? The answer is layering!
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Autumn Bird Care
Just as Autumn is a time of change for the plants in your garden it is also a time of change for wild birds. Some birds have already started their migrations and other species will soon be starting theirs too. Many will be leaving the UK for warmer climates, but there will also be others arriving from colder countries.
Autumn bird advice
Help your Autumn garden wildlife
Many types of garden animals will sleep through the coldest months of the year, some hibernating, while others enter a state of torpor where they can wake in emergencies. In late Autumn these animals will begin to look for nice and dry places they can rest undisturbed in Winter so early to mid Autumn is the perfect time to prep your garden for them.
Help your garden wildlife
Christmas Tree Care
'Tis the season & there's just something more magical about having a locally grown tree compared to a plastic one (and a much lower environmental impact too!)
Christmas Tree Tips
How to recycle your old Christmas tree
Having a real Christmas tree in your home over the festive period is a great way to give your home a traditional Christmas feel with that authentic pine needle aroma. But what should you do with the tree after Christmas?
Recycling a Christmas tree