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Rainbow Stiphodon Goby M

  • Care Level - Intermediate
  • Water - 20-28°C, pH 6.5-7.5
  • Feeding - Algae eater, sinking dry food and some meat & live
  • Max Size - 6.5cm
  • Lifespan - 3 years
  • Shoal Size - 1+
  • Compatability - Semi-Aggressive. Keep with similar sized fish with lots of hiding places
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Product Code: 46734605

The Rainbow Stiphodon Goby (Stiphodon ornatus) is a rare freshwater goby that is native to West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is known for the multi-colored spotting male (and some female) specimens display. Females are not as colorful, but are still very attractively marked. This fascinating, peaceful fish is primarily a biofilm grazer that rarely exceeds 2 inches in length.

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