Gender Pay Report 2023
Roys (Wroxham) Ltd is committed to the principles of equal pay for all our employees. We strive to eliminate gender bias in our pay and remuneration systems and understand that equal pay between men and women is a moral obligation and a legal right in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010. We are confident that men and women are paid equally for equivalent jobs across our business.
The information we are required to publish is detailed below, based on a snapshot date of 5 April 2023 (previous year in brackets):
Gender Pay Gap
Mean 13.8 (14.7%)
Median 0% (0%)
Our analysis of the gender pay gap shows that the overwhelming reason for the hourly pay gaps is the fact that there are more men in senior higher paying roles within the business. This analysis is supported by the fact that our median hourly pay gaps is zero and by the quartile distribution set out below. The mean pay gap has narrowed due to higher increases for our shop floor team members where there are a higher proportion of females in the business.
Bonus Pay Gap
Mean 47.5% (56.5%)
Median 47.1% (48.1%)
Our analysis of the gender pay gap shows two reasons for the bonus pay gap; there are more men in senior higher paying roles and a higher proportion of men than women are full time employed. Bonus was paid as an equal proportion of the individuals take home pay, accordingly those who worked more hours and were paid higher rates of pay had larger bonus payments reflecting their greater contribution to the success of the business.
Employees Receiving Bonus Payments
Male 94% (96.9%)
Female 93.1% (98.3%)
We are pleased to report that most of our employees, both men and women, received bonus pay last year.
Quartile Distribution
28.7% (30.2%)
71.3% (69.8%)
Lower Middle
24.6% (24.5%)
75.4% (75.5%)
Upper Middle
24.6% (24.5%)
75.4% (75.5%)
51.8% (49.7%)
48.2% (50.3%)
Our greater representation of women in the first three quartiles in part reflects the success of our flexible working policies in supporting women. The middle quartiles represent a significant talent pool for us to develop our leaders of tomorrow.